We meet every second
Friday of the month to
discuss the book chosen by the
members. After the discussion,
we have free time to talk about
books and suggestions for next
month’s reading.
Time: 10:00am
Venue: Piccolo Café & Restaurant, Via Rovello, 2
Book of the month: Just Kids by Patti Smith
Contact: Ralitsa Uzunova at r.petrova@abv.bg,
We meet every second
Friday of the month to
discuss the book chosen by the
members. After the discussion,
we have free time to talk about
books and suggestions for next
month’s reading.
Time: 10:00am
Venue: Piccolo Café & Restaurant, Via Rovello, 2
Book of the month: Just Kids by Patti Smith
Contact: Ralitsa Uzunova at r.petrova@abv.bg,